PRPs for Catering Companies
Statistics indicate that the incidence of food poisoning caused by caterers is greater than any food sector. The majority of the food-born illnesses are are
You are here: Home » Training » Food Safety Training » Basic Food Safety Training Workshops
Our Non-Accredited Basic Food Safety Courses offer an introduction to the prerequisite programmes for HACCP, as well as Basic Food Microbiology and Food Safety Awareness. These courses provide a firm foundation for further learning through our Intermediate and Advanced Food Safety Training Courses.
Statistics indicate that the incidence of food poisoning caused by caterers is greater than any food sector. The majority of the food-born illnesses are are
Your workforce is instrumental in determining the success of your company’s Food Safety Culture strategy. Starting with a digital survey of the current Food Safety
Recent studies show that most of the food recalls in the world are as a result of allergens. Thousands of people are hospitalised each year
The localg.a.p. brand falls under the Primary Farm Assurance (PFA) standard and is the key foundation block for GLOBALG.A.P. certification. The localg.a.p. standard is designed
Workshop The primary focus of any Food Safety management system should be on the effective management and control of the preventive programmes such as GMPs
This course provides an overview of the PRPs (prerequisite programmes for HACCP) in a Food Manufacturing environment and is based on the GFSI 2020, ISO/
Overview: Food handlers are often the cause of food poisoning due to poor hygiene practices. Adherence to the food requirements is essential to ensure the
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