Hygiene Audits

The Hygiene Audit provides an overall score of the hygiene of the facility, staff hygiene compliance and the required supporting documentation and evidence of daily monitoring records.

What is a Hygiene Audit?

The Hygiene Audit programme has been developed to assist food catering establishments such as restaurants or food preparation areas in retail stores with the implementation of a Food Safety standard that is based on the local Food Hygiene Regulation as well international food safety standards.

What does a Hygiene Audit consist of?

It consists of a detailed inspection of your food facility and includes an inspection of your records such as  traceability, daily hygiene and temperature checklists. Food samples, hand and surface swabs are also taken to test for the presence of any food pathogens such as Listeria, Salmonella and E.coli. 

How can Entecom help you?

Entecom consultants will audit your facility using a risk-based approach consisting of a combination of scheduled and unannounced audits to help you effectively monitor your hygiene standards providing you with peace of mind.

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