Statistics indicate that the incidence of food poisoning caused by caterers is greater than any food sector. The majority of the food-born illnesses are are a result of improper handling, preparation and storage of food. This means that more attention needs to be given to food hygiene practices.
This comprehensive course is based on Regulation 638 (Regulations Governing General Hygiene Requirements for Food Premises, the Transport of Food and Related Matters) and ISO/TS 22002-2 Prerequisite Programmes on Food Safety – Part 2: Catering and includes the following key components:
- Food Safety Hazards and how these can be prevented
- The importance of PRPs in food safety incident prevention
- The legal requirements for Food Safety Practices based on the R638
The course is aimed at all catering staff and offers the best value when the content is tailored and presented inhouse to include a walk through the catering facility to identify good and bad practices to ensure a practical application of the knowledge gained during the classroom training.