Workplace Health & Safety Awareness Workshop

The Occupational Health & Safety Act of South Africa places the responsibility of making employees aware of any Health & Safety hazards which may exist in their workplace, on the employer. Employers therefore have a mandatory obligation to comply with these requirements.

Induction training creates an awareness and therefore minimises the risk of accidents, personal injuries and accidental damage to property. Human weaknesses, unsafe conditions, injuries and accidents have legal, financial, psychological and social consequences for both employers and employees.   

Besides enhancing an awareness of possible risks and hazards in the workplace, this course also addresses the responsibilities of employees towards their employer. Emphasis is given to general workplace rules, the meaning of important safety signs encountered in the workplace. an overview of the types of accidents and incidents, the importance of communication, as well how to respond in case of an emergency.

The intention is to include this course as a component of any existing mandatory or company Health & Safety certification programme.

All employers have a mandatory obligation to safeguard the safety and health of their employees. In this course you will:

  • learn about the fundamental health and safety requirements
  • gain a broad understanding of the applicable Health and Safety Legislation in the workplace
  • identify occupational hazards and risks with the main goal to avoid accidents and or diseases from occurring in the workplace
  • understand your role in the prevention and reporting of health and safety hazards and incidents

This course is fun, interactive with many photos, activities and video clips to enhance the learning. Attendees will each receive a full-colour A5 Booklet containing a summary of all the information learned during this workshop.

All employees newly appointed in any workplace and employees who have not undergone any personnel safety training

  • Purpose of Health and Safety awareness
  • Responsibilities of employers
  • Responsibilities of employees
  • Workplace rules
  • Attendance and communication lines
  • Use of alcohol, drugs and smoking at work
  • Prescription medication
  • Workplace cleanliness
  • Wearing of personal protective equipment
  • Firefighting equipment
  • Hazardous chemicals
  • Do’s and don’ts of forklifts, scissor lifts; lifts and goods
  • Correct handling and lifting of material
  • The use of ladders
  • Occurrence of incidents and accidents
  • Response in case of emergencies
  • Safety signs

The assessments consist of a short “true/false” knowledge test as well as imagery workplace
scenario’s in which they should be able to identify basic workplace hazards.

  • The course is customised to your company requirements
  • Learners receive a Certificate of Attendance for the Workplace Health and Safety Awareness Course
  • Each learner receives a full-colour A5 size pocket-booklet
  • Training can be conducted in multiple languages
  • Training is conducted inhouse with access to the workplace ensuring relevancy and practical application

Anyone with an interest in Basic Health and Safety can attend this course.


1/2 Day

Certification type


Course dates

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