How to implement an Allergen Management Programme

The implementation of an Allergen management Programme is an essential component of every food safety management system. Ensuring that your products are free from any hidden allergens requires an assessment of all your raw materials and your processes and then the implementation of robust control measures to prevent any cross-contamination risk from allergen containing to non-allergen containing products.

The supplier controls, preventive measures, correct labelling declarations and ongoing monitoring procedures are all components of an essential Allergen Management Programme.

In this interactive course, you will learn from case studies and discussions as you apply the 9 Steps to Implement an Allergen Management Programme.

The implementation of an Allergen management Programme is an essential component of every food safety management system. Ensuring that your products are free from any hidden allergens requires an assessment of all your raw materials and your processes and then the implementation of robust control measures to prevent any cross-contamination risk from allergen containing to non-allergen containing products.

The supplier controls, preventive measures, correct labelling declarations and ongoing monitoring procedures are all components of an essential Allergen Management Programme.

In this interactive course, you will learn from case studies and discussions as you apply the 9 Steps to Implement an Allergen Management Programme.

You will learn:

  • What an allergen is and the different types of allergens
  • About the FSSC 22000 and BRCGS requirements for Allergen Management
  • The R146 (SA Labelling Regulations) and how allergens should be declared
  • What an Allergen Management Programme consists of
  • How to Implement an Allergen Management Programme in 9 Steps

Your Food Safety Management team, Production Supervisors, Quality Controllers, New Product Development, Marketing and Procurement.

  • What is an Allergen Management Plan?
  • Why is an Allergen Management Plan important?
  • How to Implement an Allergen Management Programme
  • Step 1: Compile list of Raw Materials
  • Step 2: Conduct a Raw Material Risk Assessment
  • Step 3:Compile a List of all Allergen-Containing raw materials handled on site
  • Step 4: Conduct an Allergen Cross-contamination Risk Assessment
  • Step 5: Implement Procedures to prevent cross-contamination e.g
    • Physical segregation, Time Segregation
    • Controlling Equipment and Utensils
    • Cleaning. Personal Hygiene, Waste management
    • Production planning, rework control
  • Step 6: Implement a Monitoring Programme
  • Step 7: Implement on-pack warning labels
  • Step 8: Train staff on Allergen Management
  • Step 9: Review and Update the Allergen Management Programme

A knowledge test will be completed after the training.

food allergens


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