2.11. Storage and Transport – Chapter 11

Nothing can go wrong with food safety during the storage and transport steps. After all…the product is in its packaging. Is this true?

When was the last time that you did a thorough food safety audit on your storage and transport processes? We are often so focused on the manufacturing process that we may neglect the storage and transport processes. I have learned that clear inspection and verification protocols for the receiving, storage and transport stages will save a multitude of non-conformances and customer complaints. At the receiving step, you can identify a food safety issue before the product is accepted into storage and introduces a contamination risk to other products in the storage area or even worse still, at a later stage during the manufacturing process. Similarly, if we consider that unless product food safety and quality is maintained during the transport stage, all of the time, expense and effort that has gone into achieving the food safety and quality standards in the manufacturing process may be flawed. Join us in this eBook as we discuss how to implement the food safety requirements for storage and transport in 10 Steps. Perhaps you will realise as we go through these requirements together, that the storage and transport steps deserve more scrutiny and that there may well be some areas for improvement in your current food safety system.

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