When it comes to food safety, there can be no shortcuts, it’s a huge responsibility that requires an understanding and appreciation of legislation, standards and industry best practices. But this is only the beginning, the trick is, to put all of these into practice, so that food safety is implemented every hour of every day, including night shifts, weekends and even when you are not looking. Achieving this level of consistency in controlling food safety, requires going beyond having
documented policies, procedures and checklists – it requires that every employee cares about food safety. So how do you get your employees to care?
Food Safety Culture is an extensive topic that requires a deeper understanding and appreciation of the humans that we work with. It requires that top management are leading employees towards a common vision, aligned with the same value system that remains steadfast, without compromise, not only when things are easy, but also when things are tough.
In this eBook, we take you through 10 steps to getting your food business on the road towards
implementing a healthy food safety culture.
We will cover:
• What is the meaning of “food safety culture”?
• What are the benefits of having a good food safety culture?
• What does a good food safety culture look like?
• What are the symptoms of a poor food safety culture?
• How to implement a good food safety culture in 10 steps
• Links to Food Safety Culture tools and templates to get you started