2.6. Requirements for Food Safety Training – Chapter 6

Food Safety Managers may often feel that keeping up to date with the fast pace of changes in the food industry is a challenge, especially when you already have a demanding job that allows for little time to learn about new things.

There is a constant flow of seminars and courses bombarding you on social media and in your inbox on every conceivable topic and you may feel that you will never know enough. It is perhaps the same feeling that you have when you start browsing in a bookshop and feel excited when you purchase that book that called out to you, and you can’t wait to sit in a quiet corner to start reading. Limited to reading only one book at a time, you may leave feeling a sense of loss, having to leave the other books behind, knowing that in your lifetime you will never be able to read them all.
When it comes to your development, the books you to decide to read and the courses you take should be selected to help you achieve your goals or become that person you strive to be. The more specific you are about your goals, the easier it will be to select the right course to take.

Similarly, when it comes to planning your food safety training for you and your team, it starts with clearly defining your objectives, and then identifying the skills you need to achieve your business goals and the type of team you want to become.

Join us in Chapter 6 of Part 2 of this eBook series as we discuss training and why this is important in any food business.

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